My favorite part of the night was watching Chloe be so happy on are mom date. I sometimes feel like she gets pushed to the back burner with all of Ty's cares. It is good to be able to spend time with just her. She and Alivia were playing at started standing on these straw bails. She usually is shy but she was busting out moves to the music. I bet she danced at least a hour and the larger the crowd she got the better she would do and out of the blue while dancing she shouts out" this is the best night ever". Ohh man I love having a daughter.
You guys look so awesome! Gorgeous witches!!! I also love the pictures of Jake's wedding. YOu look gorgeous!
Hello Jessica,
I wanted to stop by to let you know that on November 30th, 2011 at 7pm Dr. Marc Levitt, Director of The Cincinnati Colorectal Center for Children, will be holding an online Q & A relating to fecal incontinence due to Spina Bifida, as well as, explaining the Bowel Management Program he has designed to battle this difficult problem. The RSVP page is posted below if you are interested in logging on and attending and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have concerning the event. Hope all is well and I hope you find this resource helpful on your journey!
RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2504065728
John Martin
Partner’s Hub
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