After the devastating news of grandpa having cancer I have felt down in the dumps so Thursday we had planed to go to the Spina Bifida Education Night and Primary's. Before Jared and I wanted to take the kids to check out the City Creek Center on Grand Opening surprisingly it wasn't to crazy on Thursday. It was gorgeous and I loved it. We were limited on time so unfortunately we only had time to eat and hit the new "Disney" store. Ohh my gosh Chloe was in ahh, She wanted everything.
After that we headed to Primarys to Education Night it was just what I needed. It was such a motivational night. It defiantly lifted my spirits. There are good people in the world. First a boy scout troop donated a carrying chair called the "mitchmobile". It was a big chair that a troop had made for a boy named Mitch who has Spina Bifida so he could go on all the boy scout trips. They had made a youtube video to the song "you raise me higher" It was very touching and a real tear jerker to know that there are kind people who think about others in this world. What a great young man who thought of this chair for his eagle project. He was thinking of someone that wouldn't other wise be able to go on these incredible camp out and hikes without it. It was very special to see this coming from a mom of child with spina bifida. We are far from knowing what Tyson capabilities are in the future but attending this conference let me know the sky is the limit. Second was a speaker named Becca Goeckeritz, she was involved in a auto pedestrian accident when she was 15 months old and was crowed Miss wheelchair Utah. She is now married and plays violoin in the orchestra at Temple Square. She has a website www.beccag.net. She talked a lot about her amazing parents and how they never discouraged her from trying anything or doing anything even though she was in a wheelchair. She was super cute and truly motivational. Last it was ask a doctor section and group of parents, PT, doctors where on a panel and you could ask them any question you had. It was very informative. We also were able to meet new families in Utah with Spina Bifida. I continue to feel really blessed that we are part of the "spina bifida family". Because of Tyson we have met truly AMAZING families and learned a lot of beautiful life lessons.
On Saturday my mom came down to go to City Creek for some shopping. It was crazy busy! I love shopping with my mom she has the cutest style and shopping with her tops my favorite things to do. Retail Therapy is the best.
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