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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FUTURE Dr. Madsen

                 In august we had a going away party for my brother who is off to Philadelphia, to Temple University. I am going to miss him so much (tear). I am so excited for him to have this adventure. I am also super excited to visit him and see New York! He has always made big goals for himself and I know he will be a great dentist. My kids adore Jake and Sam and that was the saddest part thinking he will be away for so long. Chloe will be 10 when he gets back and Ty will be 7. OH man we wont mention that. We had  fun this summer doing activities with them. Ty reminds me daily that Jake is in school to be dentist. He adore Jake! Excited to see him and Sam at Christmas! We wish them luck in this exciting journey!

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